Typically, as we age, our body shape changes, and along with this, the percentages of fat, bone, water, and muscle change as well. You may have noticed some changes in your loved ones and even in your friends, family, your acquaintances, and even in your own body. read more

While falls leading to injury are possible at all ages, falls can be devastating to older people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of four older people falls each year. read more

Bipolar disorder usually affects teens and young adults aged 15-24, however, it can affect people of all ages. Furthermore, the number of seniors with this disorder is expected to increase as the population ages. In fact, 10% of the newly diagnosed patients today are over the age of 50. And although studies have found that bipolar disorder occurs for men and women equally, when it appears in adults over age 50, women are twice as likely to have these symptoms as men. read more

You probably have heard about hospice care and palliative care, both services to patients with life-limiting illnesses, but you might not fully understand how they are alike and different. This article addresses the similarities and differences between these two services, their typical use, how to receive the services, where the treatment is usually provided, and the payment methods involved so you have a better understanding of the two care options. read more

Balance problems/disorders are very common for older adults. In fact, an estimated 90 million Americans experience at least one balance problem in their lifetime. read more