You probably have heard about hospice care and palliative care, both services to patients with life-limiting illnesses, but you might not fully understand how they are alike and different. This article addresses the similarities and differences between these two services, their typical use, how to receive the services, where the treatment is usually provided, and the payment methods involved so you have a better understanding of the two care options. read more

As a senior citizen, it becomes increasingly important to know which things to avoid to prevent identity theft. This crime is defined as using someone's identifying information without their consent for financial gain -be it spending money, loans, credit, or other benefits. Senior citizens are among the most frequently targeted groups, along with children, high-income people, and frequent social media users. read more

Most of us have heard time and time again: It is important to get your documents in order so your loved ones will know what to do upon your death. What will happen to your personal belongings? How about your debts? read more

Nowadays there are many apps that can help us as we age, mainly because seniors are increasingly using mobile technology. A Pew Research Center report estimates that 42% of people over 65 own smartphones and 67% use the internet. Seniors often use different apps than younger generations due to their particular needs, and many apps even focus on them specifically. read more

Although the condition has no known cure, there are many activities for dementia patients that may mitigate the loss of memory and cognition or even improve an individual's condition. Many loved ones of seniors find themselves in the position of communicating with their aging loved one through various stages of dementia (often Alzheimer's particularly), so it becomes very important to keep them active and engaged. read more