Senior Living Blog | Senior Living Link

According to a 2015 survey by the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP, there are around 43.5 million caregivers in the United States. There are 15.7 million family caregivers that take care of someone who has Alzheimer's disease or some other form of dementia. Caregivers will spend on average, 13 days each month doing tasks that include giving medicine, laundry, shopping, transport, and food preparation and 6 days each month doing activities of daily living. read more

According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, in 2016, there were currently 20.4 million veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Roughly 2.5 million veterans served during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, nearly 6.8 million living service members from the Vietnam War era, 7.1 million from the Gulf War era, 1.6 million from the Korean War, and around 770,000 World War II veterans are still living. read more

Retirement in Honolulu Hawaii

Published October 21, 2018 by Donna Mae Scheib

With so much to experience in such a beautiful area, it's no surprise Business Insider ranked Honolulu, HI as #1 in Quality of Life for retirees. People visit the state to enjoy the vast beaches and pleasant climate. People stay because of the quality of life offered by the state. Situated 2,300 miles of the coast of California in the Northern Pacific just a few degrees south of the Tropic of Cancer are a series of five large islands (Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui and Big Island) peppered with over 120 smaller islands. These lush green islands are actually the tops of a chain of submerged volcanic mountains. Each island was formed by at least one volcano. Hot magma rises up through a crack in the Pacific Tectonic Plate as it moves in a northwesterly direction approximately 2"-4" every year. read more

Celebrating 80 Years of Life

Published October 16, 2018 by Donna Mae Scheib

The average yearly wages in 1938 was $1,730.00 and the cost of a gallon of gas was 10 cents. Early this June, family and friends from 10 different states and one foreign country made the journey to the Georgia mountains to celebrate an 80th birthday party for Lary, the mountain man. read more

Showing Respect for Your Elders

Published October 11, 2018 by Donna Mae Scheib

Respect your elders is a phrase that encompasses listening and valuing the wisdom and knowledge of those that have lived the longest and share their own lessons learned with younger family and friends. However, our society today reflects the older generation as frail, forgetful, and many times seniors are forgotten or estranged by their loved ones. Ageism, or discriminating a person by their age, is something that is prevalent today as well. read more

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