According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), one in four Americans 65 years and older fall every year, and falls are the leading cause of unintentional injuries among this population as well. Seniors at 65 years are also twice as likely to be injured or killed in a fire compared to the overall population (and three times as likely at 75 years; four times at 85 years). The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) offers a program, Remembering When, that focuses on fire prevention and fall prevention for seniors. Do you live in a high-risk fire state or in a state with the inclement weather where falls from icy conditions are common? read more

Royal Oak, Michigan is conveniently located in Southeastern Michigan in Oakland County. The city of Royal Oak was developed as a suburb of Detroit in the early 20th century. This was when Detroit was quickly growing because of industrialization and the flourishing automobile industry. The big city of Detroit is close enough for quick day trips for fun, events, and entertainment without the need for a daily commute for anything essential. Royal Oak is big enough to have it all and small enough to be cozy and comfortable. You get close-knit neighborhoods, and you are close to everything when you live in Royal Oak MI. read more

Have you been looking for an opportunity to stay active? How about a way that also allows you to become more involved in your community and make meaningful connections with others? There are many ways you can stay involved at any age. Let's look at 8 suggestions that might work for you or help trigger some other avenues. read more

Although seniors make up for less than 13% of the US population, they use nearly 33% of overall prescription medications annually. American Nurse Today states that "44% of men and 54% older than age 65 take five or more medications per week". These statistics paired with how we age and how our bodies metabolize the medications we take puts older adults at a risk of adverse drug effects known loosely as polypharmacy. Senior Living Link had the opportunity to speak with Carolyn Hey, a licensed pharmacist about her views on polypharmacy as well as a few ways to help reduce polypharmacy among the senior population. read more

Although seniors on average drink less than other age groups, data from a national survey taken in comparison from 2002-2003 to 2012-2013 show that over 50% of those aged 65 and older stated that they drank alcohol in the past year. Older adults also hit close to 4% overall participation in high-risk drinking (5 drinks daily for older men, 4 drinks daily for older women) which is a 65% increase in past data. Alcohol consumption is a personal choice that is influenced by various social, cultural, familial, and religious factors. It is often done in moderation without serious ramifications; however, as we age, alcohol may become more potent and have increased harmful effects on our bodies. read more