Did you know that six out of ten people who are diagnosed with dementia will wander? Learn about the characteristics look for, practical strategies that help reduce wandering, and what plan should be in place in case of an emergency. read more

Okinawa, Ikaria, Sardinia, Nicoya, Costa Rica, and Loma Linda: what do these cities all have in common? The highest concentration of centenarians in the world, lowest mortality rate, or most amount of people reaching 100 at the highest rate. read more

Patients with Alzheimer's disease, especially in the advanced stages, often exhibit major psychiatric symptoms: hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia with 90% developing one or more of these symptoms during the progression of the disease. Caregivers can understand more about these symptoms and how to deal with any agitation, fear, anxiety, and aggression that often accompanies one or more of these symptoms. read more

The Georgia sun beat down on my shoulders as we walked Papa's land. In a passing glance, the land looked it might have been ravaged by fire, empty of worth or life. But on closer inspection, thousands of baby trees, just three months out from planting, were starting their 20-year journey to maturity. read more

For the past 45 years, all you've known is work, bills, family, and friends. So, now what? After many years of work and effort put into building a comfortable life for yourself and your loved ones, it is important to find hobbies and a general purpose to fulfill in your later years. If you aren't 65 yet, but your loved ones are, help them to re-find their purpose and the activities that make them feel joyful and full of life still. read more