After months of cold winter weather, spring emerges with warmer temperatures, sunny skies, fresh air, and longer daylight hours. No matter what age, the arrival of spring is met with great excitement. What are some ideas to help seniors enjoy springtime? Here are 14 ideas to jumpstart outdoor activities this spring. read more
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health at any age. Yet only about 30% of individuals between the ages of 45-64 engage in regular exercise, 25% who are 65-74 years old, and 5% who are 85 or older. read more
I encourage you to pause and take the time to reflect. Is everyone in your family living their best quality of life? In particular, is your aging loved one? We've created a short quiz to help you get some answers. If you're like me, you're afraid to even ask. Why? Because once you know the answer, and deep down you may already know, what do you do with it? You've uncovered the situation and it is now looking right at you and now you can't not do anything about it because it's out there. I'm here to tell you don't give up hope. I encouraged you to ask the difficult question because you don't have to be afraid, we can help you find the answers. read more
The world watched the world's best athletes take the stage in Pyeongchang, South Korea for the 2018 Winter Olympics. Although it is much easier to critique performances from the comfort of our couch, why not join in on the fun? read more
In the last century, the world of medicine has accumulated research, cutting-edge technology, and advanced medical practices to save lives using various medical procedures. However, no matter your age or medical condition, surgery of all kinds acts as an invasive procedure that can take a toll on your body. For seniors, advanced age and frailty concerns make post-operative care and recovery an important topic to consider. read more