4 Ways We Do More To Increase Your Referrals
Posted by Donna Mae Scheib on March 12, 2018
4 Ways We Do More To Increase Your Referrals
Many senior housing communities across the United States carry contracts with outside third-party referral agencies. The model is a pretty simple straight-line method from point A to point B. A referral agency through a senior advisor makes a referral to a senior housing community (point A) and in return the senior housing community pay a fee when the referral moves in (point B). This traditional method is simple, sometimes effective in filling vacancies, and costly. For many, the cost for this placement known as a placement or referral fee, is worth it. Others opt not to partake in this system all together because fees can be too high ranging from 30% to even 130% to what was recently reported to me to be 200% of the first months rent! These fee ranges are real! And, the fee depends on your location in the country.
The Senior Living Link Way
Senior Living Link is saying there is another way! Another way to increase your referrals and pay lower fees. Another way to have consistent fees so one city in our beautiful country is not paying more then another city. Wouldn’t it be great if senior housing communities didn’t have to rely on this model to increase their referrals? Wouldn’t it be great if seniors and their loved ones had increased access to your senior housing communities through more than one source? With the point A to point B model, your senior housing community is relying on one source: the referring advisor.
In addition, our competitors rely on a model like that of a sales funnel. They generate leads through various web pages, commercials, and rely on a prospect to provide their information so they can be "placed" in a community who agrees to pay the agency placement fee.
Senior Living Link is different because we don’t follow prospects in order to collect a fee. We have the freedom to be creative, innovative, and strategic with our approach to increasing your referrals because we do not charge referral fees. Our model is to take a senior living community or service (point A) and increase their referrals sources so they have a Point B, Point C and Point D. Essentially, to give communities three new sources of exposure for increased referrals.
Have Access To People Who Don't Yet Realize That You Are Their Answer
One source we provide communities for increased referrals, and what sets us apart from our competitors, is our home page: seniorlivinglink.org. Our web page is genuinely a free resource for anyone seeking senior housing or senior professional services. We do not require a log in or require people to provide any personal information. For this reason alone, we attract very many people who are simply browsing around for what senior housing and services are available in their area of interest. We are a trusted friend at 3 in the morning when a worried person needs answers. How does this increase referrals for your community? Our home page is a resource not only for people seeking assisted living or memory care housing options. People visit us to search for residential care homes, independent living options, in home health assistance, hospice services, as well as other resourceful information such as what you look for when touring a community, selecting what is the best housing option for their level of care needs, and what is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid for example. When you become a member with us, you have access to people who didn’t know you are the peace of mind they are looking for!
We Increase Your Traffic
We also increase your referrals, and are unique from our competitors, because we redirect our visitors directly to your community home page and to your direct phone number and email address. This sets us apart from our competitors because we aren’t looking to be your middle man. Members with us are given full page profiles. When our visitor searches for your category in your local area, your profile will become available to them. This also sets us apart from our competitors. While our competitors host your information on their website, they aren't showcasing you like we are. Your profile has your direct phone number, address, description of your community, pictures, videos, and direct link to your social media pages and community home page. We showcase you like no other. With your webpage one click away from your profile, we naturally increase traffic to your web site and boost your SEO standing with Google making your more easily found on a Google search! Many companies pay hundreds and thousands of dollars a month for this added feature. We create this naturally when we showcase you as a member of our directory.
We Increase Your Exposure To Other Sources
A popular service that is exclusive to us and not a service available by our competitors is that we give your member profile legs. We take your powerful and relevant profile and we campaign it in our social media pages. Not only will your referrals increase from your profile in our directory, it will increase also from the social media campaigns we create and post for you monthly (gold membership) or bi monthly (silver membership). We target your ideal customers and we showcase you to our followers who are our fans. Our successful campaigns reach over 2,500 qualified leads leading to around 56 interested people who will reach out to you directly. Whether your community is in a rural location, or you are in the middle of rebranding new management or new ownership, or you are a new community, or you are a rooted community with new vacancies, or you simply have a message to share, we are the best platform for you.
We Never Charge Placement Or Referral Fees
As mentioned, and probably the most unique from our competitors, is that we do not charge a referral or placement fee. We don’t charge a fee when we make a referral to you and we don’t charge a fee when a referral is moved into your community. No more paying 30%, 130% or even 200% of the new Residents first month’s rent! When the person we refer to you moves into your senior housing community, we simply celebrate with you and get back to work! We are very proud of this distinctive feature because we believe that when you are saving money by not paying referral fees, you are in position to provide better care to your Residents. And when you are proving excellent care to your Residents, then we have done our part in elevating the standard of how we care for our seniors in our communities and in our country.
We Do More And Charge Far Less
Senior Living Link says there is another way to increase your referrals in a more innovative, creative, and cost-effective way. We are a trusted online resource with wonderful followers. We’ve created a platform to showcase your community, your brand, and your message. We work harder for you than any competitor out there because we admire the work you do. We highlight you in our directory, redirect our visitors to your site increasing your SEO as a byproduct, showcase you in social media and we do it all by not charging enormous placement or referral fees. You’ve got nothing to lose and increased referrals to gain! Give us a call or check us out at seniorlivinglink.org/join-our-directory.