Insight From a Senior Living Home CNA
Posted by Donna Mae Scheib on October 25, 2016
Insight From a Senior Living Home CNA
I started working as a CNA in both senior and assisted living homes when I was 17. I thoroughly enjoyed my job and learned valuable lessons every day that I went to work. I’ve never held a job that was quite as rewarding or offered so many experiences that have played into the woman I am today.
We Genuinely Want to be Here
Being a CNA at a senior living home is a job that requires a certain level of commitment, passion for helping others, a compassionate heart, and an appreciation for generations that came prior to your own. Odds are, if you work at a senior living home, you genuinely want to be there working with an exceptional group of seniors.
We Love Your Stories
Knowledge is bred through experience and experience can only be gained over time, therefore, we value your knowledge. We love to listen to the stories about your grandkids, your war stories, your recount of your wedding day, and above all, we value your wisdom and knowledge about life. The greatest gift that you can give us, is your attention, and your insight into a different world we never had the opportunity to live in. We come from very different times and worlds, so we yearn to learn more about eras prior to our own.
We Value the Experience We Gain Through Our Work With You
We’re learning together. We’ve never had residents with your exact conditions and level of health. We know what we’re doing and have a pretty good grasp on what we need to do to care for you, but there’s always room for improvement. By working with us and keeping the lines of communication open, we will achieve the highest quality care plan possible to provide comfort and longevity to your life. It’s a constant battle to adjust to the changes that come with age and health decline, but by working together, we’ll be able to manage it accordingly and make it a smooth, comfortable transition.
The Best Is Yet to Come
As your daily activities wind down and the responsibilities come fewer and farther between, don’t feel as if the best days of your life have passed you, because they haven’t. I won’t deny that your twenties were probably a blast, your thirties were spent building a life, and your forties fostered quality family relationships. Your fifties were probably spent getting your kids through college and maybe driving you to look forward to retirement. When your sixties actually came and retirement was a reality, you probably felt excited to slow down. You should be just as excited now to enter into this new chapter of your life. There is still so much to see and do, time to be spent around those you love, and new hobbies to be found. The years that you’re entering into are yours, this is your time to do what you didn’t have time for while you were building a life and raising a family, or chasing a career. You have earned these years of rest and relaxation after years and years of working hard for everything you have accomplished in your life. Let us help you enjoy this time and make it as enjoyable as possible, that’s why we’re here, we like to put joy into other people’s lives.
We Want to be Your Family
We’re here to perform a job and play a role, but we also want to be your family. Even if your family does visit regularly, you spend most of your time with us. Let us be your favorite companions and greatest comforts, that’s what we live for. In my opinion, anyone involved in nursing must have fallen in love with their field of work based on their innate desire to help others. We love and respect you, and we want to be allowed into your world.