Organizations That Can Help With Aging
Posted by Donna Mae Scheib on August 12, 2019
Organizations That Can Help With Aging
Given the unique life circumstances seniors face, there are plenty of organizations that can help us as we age. This article provides a list of organizations seniors can consult for help with housing, healthcare, insurance, legal protection, employment, education, volunteerism, and more.
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization promoting employment, health, wellness, news, and discount options for people over 50. They provide the Ageline database of publications for older adults and plenty of their own informative media in addition. Over half of its 34 million members have not retired, so the AARP helps improve their quality of life as its primary goal. Additionally, the AARP Foundation assists low-income seniors with food, housing, and other essentials.
Administration on Aging
The Administration on Aging (AOA) is the United States government agency in charge of delivering home- and community-based care services to seniors and caretakers. Their organizational structure starts with policies at the top with service providers, caretakers, activity centers, and volunteers to implement them. The AOA’s Eldercare Locator website can direct seniors to legal and financial support, transportation, caregiving services, home repair and modification, and more near them.
Alliance for Retired Americans
The Alliance for Retired Americans is a coalition of unions dedicated to protecting retired people’s rights. They visit polls, petition Congress, and educate and mobilize seniors.
Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer’s Association educates Alzheimer’s disease patients and their loved ones and caregivers on the condition and researches causes, cures, and prevention. It is the oldest and largest volunteer organization for this cause.
American Society on Aging
The American Society on Aging (ASA) is a nationwide membership organization for educators, researchers, and other people working with older adults. They offer programs for continuing education and specialized training in aging and multiple publications for members.
Area Agencies on Aging
Area Agencies on Aging is a nationwide network of over 620 organizations serving Americans over 60. They offer meal programs, caregiver support, information on referrals on assistance, insurance counseling, transportation, and more.
Assisted Living Federation of America
The Assisted Living Federation of America represents over 5,000 for-profit and nonprofit assisted living providers. It is the largest organization solely dedicated to this industry.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), dedicated to Medicare and Medicaid. They provide information and news on health insurance for the other 74 million Americans in these programs.
Center for Social Gerontology
The Center for Social Gerontology (TCSG) provides states with technical assistance to improve their legal services delivery systems. They host conferences and help provide legal services to seniors with social and financial need.
Corporation for National and Community Service Senior Corps
The Corporation for National & Community Service has let half a million seniors over 55 harness their creativity and interests by serving as senior companions, foster grandparents, and retired and senior volunteer program (RSVP) volunteers.
Healthfinder is a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website linking to health websites, support, and self-help groups, plus government agencies and nonprofit organizations assisting seniors.
Justice in Aging
Justice in Aging is a legal advocacy organization offering seniors help with legal offices and private lawyers. They do not take clients directly but educate seniors on Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, pension plans, age discrimination, nursing homes, and protective services.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels is a meal-providing organization operating across America in over 5,000 independently-run community branches. They provide seniors and low-income people with healthy meals in their own homes.
Medicare Rights Center
Medicare Rights Center (MRC) is an organization providing seniors and disabled people information and assistance on healthcare. It is the largest organization for Medicare assistance and offers phone hotlines, counseling, speeches on consumers’ behalf in the national reform debate, and media coverage all focused on educating people on Medicare benefits and rights.
National Aging in Place Council
The National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC) is a membership organization furthering the cause of seniors who wish to live independently for as long as they can. NAIPC provides seniors information on home and community-based services that will help them stay independent. They unite individuals from the aging, legal, financial services, healthcare, design and building sectors to share this information.
National Alliance for Caregiving
The National Alliance for Caregiving is a nonprofit caregiving organization coalition dedicated to issues of family caregiving. Member organizations include professional associations, grassroots organizations, disease-specific organizations, service organizations, government agencies, and corporations.
National Center on Elder Abuse
The National Center on Elder Abuse combines elder advocacy groups such as the Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly of the American Bar Association and the National Association of State Units on Aging (NASUA). They provide information on elder abuse in the form of links, interactive content, and more online.
National Council on Aging
The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is a nonprofit organization whose members include other organizations and individuals. Its focus is to provide advocacy, education, service, and leadership on senior citizens’ wellbeing, dignity, and contributions to their communities. NCOA member organizations include senior housing, adult day service centers, senior centers, congregate meal sites, faith congregations, and area agencies on aging. They work with these to promote healthy aging and financial security.
National Institute on Aging
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) researches aging and older adults’ health and wellbeing under the National Institute of Health. They provide invaluable information on aging and health conditions, plus the Go4Life program promoting senior exercise.
National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Aging
The National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Aging are devoted to research, policy analysis, and training to older women and organizations serving them. These organizations include policymakers, women’s organizations, and aging networks, among whom the center is a national leader.
Peace Corps
The Peace Corps is a volunteer organization providing over 136 countries with the help they need for self-determination and livelihoods. Peace Corps values its volunteers over 50 for their continuing contributions to improving society and provides 27 weeks of training before serving overseas. Volunteers may concern themselves with education, youth and community development, business development, agriculture, the environment, and health.
Points of Light
Points of Light is a volunteer organization offering seniors opportunities on the level of various community organizations. An estimated 800,000 volunteers of all ages join each year local Volunteer Centers each year to help the young, the elderly, the homeless, people with AIDS, the environment, the arts, and more.
Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE®) is a coordinated care provider that people over 55 living at home and certified for nursing home care can consult for medical care, social interaction, medications, personal care, rehabilitation, and transportation.
Service Corps of Retired Executives
The Service Corps of Retired Executives, or SCORE, is a volunteer association with 13,000 members (retired executives and small business owners) providing free counseling to small business owners. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) sponsors SCORE.
The SPRY Foundation
The Setting Priorities for Retirement Years Foundation (SPRY) is a nonprofit organization helping older adults plan their healthcare and financial stability. SPRY offers research and education programs.
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