The Benefits of a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) as We Age
Posted by Donna Mae Scheib on January 30, 2019
The Benefits of a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) as We Age
Did you know that there are thousands of articles written in various news, health, medical, and popular journals that talk about the benefits of a positive mental attitude? Likewise, there have been many professional studies conducted in the past several decades that show the power of PMA. This post talks about some of these benefits and how you can improve your mental attitude.
What is meant by the term “positive mental attitude”?
Positive mental attitude is 1) believing in yourself, 2) accepting what life has in store for you, and 3) being open to grow and learn.
How would you describe someone who has a positive mental attitude?
This is an individual who looks at the glass half-full rather than half-empty. If you think about people you know in your life, you probably can name someone who sees life more positively and someone else who sees life more negatively. People with PMA deal with life in a positive way and because of this attitude, they cultivate and maintain strong relationships with friends and family members. They see the need to help others and are capable of doing so. They are grateful for what they have, can create positive actions and feelings to make themselves happy and content, and they accept their limitations but don’t let their limitations define themselves.
What are some benefits of PMA?
People with PMA have…
- Increased overall health and happiness
- Lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension
- Less stress and are more capable of dealing with stress
- Longer life spans as general physical and mental health are better
- Stronger personal relationships with their family members and also with their friends
People with PMA are…
- Better equipped to face the challenges of living and dying (more able to handle pain, disability, sickness/disease, and loss)
- Able to live independently or do independent tasks longer as stamina, interests, motivation, and a purpose of life are more evident
How can you improve your own attitude?
Let’s face it. Not everyone is positive about life. But you can strive to improve your attitude through various techniques. Having a positive attitude can be formed through daily habits. You can incorporate any number of these proven techniques (to help build a more positive attitude) into your daily life: affirmations, visualization, humor and laughter, exercise, and reflection.
- Affirmations – An affirmation is made up of words that have power, conviction, and faith. You can repeat an affirmation several times each day with your internal voice or out loud to reprogram your subconscious with positive thinking. For example, I can do it if I try, I’m happy about who I am, I have more than enough money to meet my needs, and I don’t have to be perfect to me perfectly me.
- Visualization – A visualization is how you mentally see something. You can create a picture in your mind of you toppling over that obstacle or achieving that goal in life. For example, Walking around the block, Looking 10 pounds thinner in a certain dress or pair of pants, and Leaving the hospital and going back to your independent living facility.
- Humor and Laughter – Share a joke, read the comics, and watch a comedy show or funny YouTube video. Choose to be with others who are upbeat and enjoy laughing. Spend time around children or pets, listen to music or dance, and enjoy the outdoors (fresh air and sunshine).
- Exercise – Partake in a regular exercise routine even if you have limited mobility. Many exercises and fitness activities can be adapted to your fitness level and ability. Exercise is a quick way to give you positive feedback (e.g., stabilizes or reduces weight, helps maintain or build muscle and stamina, and provides a sense of doing something positive for yourself).
- Reflection – Start a gratitude journal of things you are grateful for or a list of things that make you happy. Pause and give thanks for the many blessings of life. Think about what more you want to accomplish in life and what more can you do for others. Then think about how you can do some of those things.
Remember, you have a choice in how to see the world. You can think positive thoughts and offer yourself and others motivation and encouragement. You can be enthusiastic, appreciative, giving, kind, and caring rather than grumpy, angry, fearful, and apathetic. And in return, you will be able to share in the benefits of PMA. Your glass will be half-full!
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