The Importance of Letting Go: Why You Should Consider Downsizing Now
Posted by Donna Mae Scheib on October 07, 2016
The Importance of Letting Go: Why You Should Consider Downsizing Now
Let’s face the important truth: stuff is stressful. You have to find a place for the stuff. You have to organize the stuff. You have to dust or otherwise clean the stuff. And this may be the most important truth of all: much of this stuff may only be important to you. More so now than ever before, people are working to declutter their lives. There are many reasons why you should consider decluttering now, but here are the top five.
1. It’s Your Life
Only you can best accurately decide what’s most important to keep in your home. One benefit of downsizing now is creating a rainy day fund! Yardsale, auction, Ebay…there are many avenues to sell your great items and contribute to a vacation fund! Really go through your home and organize items you no longer need. Attack one room each week, and put two tubs in each room: one for saleable items and one for items to donate. And remember: donations can be listed on your tax forms at year’s end for your benefit. Furniture, clothing, gadgets, and knick knacks can be donated to organizations that can put them to good use helping others. Many reputable non-profits work to match furniture with single moms or homeless families in their first homes, or they may sell your goods to raise funds to pay for their services that help others.
2. Share the Joy
Consider passing down family heirlooms sooner rather than later. First, beginning to pass on family treasures, whether jewelry, books, or other significant items allows you to fully share their significance and history with your family. Additionally, you’ll be able to appreciate them in their new home. Beginning to rehome family heirlooms now also avoids confusion later. This can be especially important for larger families. If you have several children, take initiative to clearly delineate who will be receiving what, making the transition of special items smooth.
3. Relish the Space
Aging in place requires forethought, and mobility will be a key future issue. Keeping your most comfortable furniture, the pieces that really work in the space is an ideal plan. Remove items that may hinder easy mobility or assisted ability. While you may retain your mobility far into the future, aging in place may likely require a cane, walker, or wheelchair eventually. Begin to see your home through the eyes of an 80 or 90 year old you. Decluttering your rooms now is an excellent step to prepare for your future lifestyle.
4. Make Transitions Easier
While your plan may be to age in place now, eventually you may need to downsize your actual home instead of merely downsizing the stuff in it. This transition could likely be a stressful event; why not work to make it an easy transition by parting with items now? Work to evaluate what’s most important and say goodbye to the stuff that isn’t. Beginning to approach this potential move now ensures that your children know what’s important to you and what should travel with you wherever you go. Saying goodbye to thirty, forty, or fifty years of memories can be tough, but it’s important to face this process with resolution and persistence. Start with easy downsizing and work your way up; no one really needs 20 coffee mugs in the kitchen! Choose your favorite eight and go from there.
5. Enjoy Simplicity
Many studies support the correlation between clutter and depression and/or anxiety. Empty nesters often continue to maintain homes to accommodate a much larger family. Working to declutter your home, including spaces such as cabinets, closets, and garages will likely create a sense of freedom. Rehome items to others who you know will use and appreciate them. Those gifts you received but never really used? Pass them on. That junk drawer? Junk it. Those projects you always meant to get to? Finish them or trash them. Now is the time to free yourself from the tangible tethers of too much stuff. Decluttering will not only make finding items easier, but it will also make cleaning your home a simpler task.
Feeling as though a Herculean task awaits you? Take a deep breath and simply begin to make a plan. Take a trip to your local library and peruse their available titles on decluttering. Many excellent titles including The Joy of Less, can help you develop an approach that will work for your family. The business of decluttering has boomed over the past two decades; many local businesses now offer decluttering and organizational services in addition to auctioning items or selling for you on Ebay. Research reputable businesses and see if their services will help you through the decluttering process. Finally, involve your family if it would work! Asking sons, daughters, and grandchildren to help you “clean” house can become a wonderful family experience. Just remember: the sooner you begin the decluttering process, the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy a larger, more organized, and spacious home. It’s never too soon!
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