Nocturnal leg cramps can happen to any skeletal muscle of the human body, but they typically occur in the calf muscles (gastrocnemius), the front or back thigh area (hamstrings or quadriceps), or the feet and where any of the muscles cross two joints. These cramps can involve just part of a given muscle or all of the muscles in a particular group at one time. read more

Given the unique life circumstances seniors face, there are plenty of organizations that can help us as we age. This article provides a list of organizations seniors can consult for help with housing, healthcare, insurance, legal protection, employment, education, volunteerism, and more. read more

Retirement years are a time where many of us fulfill travel goals we have set earlier in life, and that's why there are plenty of opportunities to join senior travel clubs. You can find these clubs at religious or secular organizations and senior activity centers, or start one of your own among your friends and family. read more

Did you know that the typical time for tornadoes to strike are during the spring and summer months, but technically tornadoes can actually occur at any time of the year? Even though you might not live in one of the top geographical areas of the United States where tornadoes are routinely spotted like in the Midwest or Southeast, it is still important to know some simple tornado safety tips in how to prepare for a tornado and what to do if there is a tornado warning or watch. read more

Part of aging is understanding that physical activity will become more complicated, but also that there are still plenty of games and sports seniors can play. Sports benefit both physical and mental health, easing loneliness, depression, and memory issues. read more