Senior Living Blog - Health & Wellness | Senior Living Link

Staying Involved at Any Age

Published August 13, 2018 by Donna Mae Scheib

Have you been looking for an opportunity to stay active? How about a way that also allows you to become more involved in your community and make meaningful connections with others? There are many ways you can stay involved at any age. Let's look at 8 suggestions that might work for you or help trigger some other avenues. read more

Although seniors make up for less than 13% of the US population, they use nearly 33% of overall prescription medications annually. American Nurse Today states that "44% of men and 54% older than age 65 take five or more medications per week". These statistics paired with how we age and how our bodies metabolize the medications we take puts older adults at a risk of adverse drug effects known loosely as polypharmacy. Senior Living Link had the opportunity to speak with Carolyn Hey, a licensed pharmacist about her views on polypharmacy as well as a few ways to help reduce polypharmacy among the senior population. read more

Although seniors on average drink less than other age groups, data from a national survey taken in comparison from 2002-2003 to 2012-2013 show that over 50% of those aged 65 and older stated that they drank alcohol in the past year. Older adults also hit close to 4% overall participation in high-risk drinking (5 drinks daily for older men, 4 drinks daily for older women) which is a 65% increase in past data. Alcohol consumption is a personal choice that is influenced by various social, cultural, familial, and religious factors. It is often done in moderation without serious ramifications; however, as we age, alcohol may become more potent and have increased harmful effects on our bodies. read more

For many older adults, maintaining a healthy weight is difficult. Often times, their appetites diminish and their preferences for certain foods change as they age. They lose their sense of taste. These factors can all lead to weight loss, thus, posing additional heath concerns as proper nutrition is essential for optimal health. In fact, research studies show that seniors who have a healthy diet and are in a healthy range of weight reduce their risk of certain cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. They have more energy and engage in more activity. read more

Gardening has long been a part of our culture as both an art and a science of plant cultivation. With the hustle and bustle of daily living in the 21st century, gardening offers a way of slowing down, working with your hands, and watching a patch of soil turn into an array of colors of various plants and produce to be enjoyed. Gardening can be a wonderful experience at any age, and for seniors, it can offer various health benefits that may help you decide to pick up some soil and seeds for this growing season! read more

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