Change is constant, and it is inevitable. It can be scary since there are usually unknown factors associated with it, something most people fear. Unexpected and significant change is the most difficult with which to deal. Change is best accepted and dealt with when it is gradual. read more

Here's a secret about retirement that not many people may tell you: it can be boring. Hours and hours of nothing to do! The routine of working, of accomplishing tasks on a daily basis offers its own reward. However while many seniors enjoy the first year or three of commitment-free living, many begin to feel restless. read more

Several decades ago everybody seemed to know that when people retired at 65, they became seniors even though that term did not actually exist at that time. These people were usually referred to as old, older, elderly and even old codger. These labels often resulted in many people feeling and acting older than their physical stamina required. read more

It's no doubt that moving day is an emotional one. Your senior relative is finally making the step to move out of their home (maybe your childhood home that's full of memories) and settle into their assisted living arrangement. read more

The truth about advisors and how to find a good one. A brief explanation of how referral and placement advisors operate and where you fit in all of it. Examples of bad and good ones. A description of how Washington State is attempting to standardize their practice so people are protected. Empowering yourself by asking questions to promote your own due diligence. read more