Saving money for retirement is a tough concept to grasp when retirement can seem so far in the distant future. Many people wait until they are older to start saving for a house, or a rainy day fund, or even retirement, but by then it might be too late. read more

When you first hear the term "care management", you probably think that it generally describes communicating with medical professionals about your healthcare and planning future courses of action. This assumption is right, but a closer look shows that care management has very particular advantages and limitations for patient populations. read more

Recently, I attended a Holiday Celebration of Life sponsored by local home care & hospice, Inc. for families who have lost a loved one within the past six months. The luncheon highlighted several speakers who focused their presentations on the topic of bereavement. read more

Many of us have driven our entire lives and are accustomed to transporting ourselves wherever we need to go, without giving it so much as a second thought. Being our own driver is a privilege. read more

Make the most of every day, no regrets, carpe diem. We've all heard this advice, but how are we supposed to put it into practice? read more